How to fix the Overwatch 2 error with blocked heroes

Overwatch 2 annoys players because of errors and problems that various players face, both new and old. One of these problems is a mistake with blocked heroes, because of which OW 1 players lack some heroes in Overwatch 2.

Although Blizzard knows about this problem and is working on its elimination as soon as possible, we will tell you about a viable solution that allows you to return your blocked heroes in OW2.

How to fix a mistake with blocked heroes in Overwatch 2

Blizzard easily facilitates the Overwatch 1 players, since they do not need to go through the mandatory check of the phone.

Nevertheless, they are faced with problems such as huge queues of servers . Even after waiting in long lines, some players cannot return the heroes from OW 1.

Blizzard says that a simple entrance and exit can solve the problem again and again, but who will wait for so long in lines? The server is now unstable, and the entrance and exit are not simple.

You may not even enter again, which will worsen the situation. In the end, Blizzard will fix the problem, but you will have to wait.

SMS If you are in a hurry and want to try to enter the solution and get out of it, we recommend that you first try the decisions below.

Firstly, make sure this is not a problem on your part, and try reset your PC or console. * The next thing you will need to verify is that the Internet that you use works perfectly or not. You can turn off the modem, and then restart it to make sure, network does not cause any problems. * If you play this game on the consoles, try to combine your accounts; This can correct the error, and you will return all your blocked heroes to Overwatch 2.

If the above solutions did not help solve the problem, relax, as this is the problem on the server side, and Blizzard will correct it automatically.
