Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3: All orders
In our Order Guide for Fortnite Chapter 3, Season 3 you can find out:
- the new Fortnite card at a glance
- seasonal orders in Chapter 3, Season 3
- All milestones in Chapter 3, Season 3
- The current orders every week
- What milestones await you
- How the map has changed in Season 3
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the new Fortnite card at a glance
With Season 3, a lot has happened again on the map in Fortnite. Among other things, Command Cavern and Camp Cuddle have disappeared and replaced by the Rave Cave and Reality Falls. You can visit the following places on the new map:
- Logjam Lumberyard
- Shifty Shafts
- Sleepy Sound
- The Daily Bugle * rave cave
- Coney CrossRoads * Reality Falls
- Tilted Towers
- Sanctuary
- Greasy Grove
- Rocky Reels
- The Joneses
- Synapse station
- Chonker’s Speedway
- Condo Canyon
seasonal orders in Chapter 3, Season 3
Also in season 3 of Chapter 3 in Fortnite there are new seasonal orders every week. 15,000 experience points **. In addition, you will receive additional experience every week if you complete two, four and six weekly orders-that is 43,000 experience points per stage.
Week 0:
- Visited groovy frost, reality Falls and Rave Cave (character-founding guide)
- Interacted in the course of a match with sunbird or lunar falcon and cattle thief
- Removes 2,000 meters in a ball
* Planting three reality seedlings or calls for it by using their reality grains
* Collects a hammer assault rifle and a two-shot shotgun in the course of a match
* Jumps on the back of a wolf or wild boar in two different matches
- Survives ten storm phases
All milestones in Chapter 3, Season 3
The milestones in Fortnite represent tasks that you can do across the entire Season 3. Each of these orders consists of 20 phases. For each successfully completed phase you get 5,000 XP. You also get additional experience points through the ** milestone bonus targets. For example, the bronze stamp card rewards you for ten and 20 completed milestone order phases, each with 20,000 XP.
- Thanks the bus driver
- Searches rare chests
- Searched chests or ammunition boxes
- Eliminations
- Receive Schilde
- Scores head shots
- Adds to opponents too
- Leads new starts at team members
- Lives longer than the opponents
- Cover distance when sprinting
- Cover distance with a ball
- Cover distance while you ride on a wild boar or wolf
- Picks fruits of reality seedlings
- Completes bounty hunts
- Be among the last 10
- Restores fitness
- Meet weaknesses
- Destroys objects while you are in a vehicle
- Opens cash registers
More guides on Fortnite :
- Fortnite characters: Find all NPCs & address
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