Buy PS5: And again there is a PlayStation 5-store sales

  1. PS5 kaufen: Filial-Verkauf bei Cyberport

  2. 15 Jahre play: Große Jubiläums-Ausgabe mit Heftarchiv 2007-2022 auf Gratis-Bonus-DVD!

  3. Nur noch für kurze Zeit kriegt man bei Amazon und Media Markt ein PS5-Spiel "geschenkt"

  4. Buy PS5: Online Drop at Media Markt / Saturn?

  5. PS5-Spiele kaufen: The Last of Us: Part II, Ghost of Tsushima oder Returnal mit bis zu 47% Rabatt

  6. Govee Immersion Kit makes TV image much bigger - now with discount action!

  7. PS5 "gratis": Sony Bravia-OLED-TV kaufen und Playstation 5 kostenlos dazu bekommen

  8. Hier gibt es die PS5!

  9. Meistverkaufte PS5-Neuerscheinungen bei Amazon

  10. PS5-Verkauf bei Amazon - was sollte man beachten?

  11. PS5 kaufen bei Amazon

  12. PS5-Spiele-Neuheiten bei Amazon

  13. Was muss man beim Kauf einer französischen PS5 beachten?

  14. Apple TV+ auf PS5: Sechsmonatiges kostenloses Probeabo

  15. Wie steigere ich meine Chancen auf eine PS5?

  16. So klappt der PS5-Kauf bei Amazon

  17. Gran Turismo 7 im PCG-Test

  18. Gran Turismo 7 inkl. Vorbestellerbonus kaufen

  19. Gran Turismo 7 im PCG-Testvideo

  20. 10/10 bei uns Test: Elden Ring ist ein Meisterwerk geworden

  21. Horizon Forbidden West im PCG-Test: Toll, aber nicht perfekt

  22. Horizon Forbidden West (PS4/PS5) bei Amazon kaufen

Es geht weiter mit der PS5-Welle in Deutschland! Nachdem es gestern gleich mehrere Möglichkeiten gab, eine PS5 zu kaufen (wir berichteten), soll es heute in mindestens einer Cyperport-Filiale einen Playstation 5-Verkauf geben. Eine Niete zog man heute leider bei Amazon. Hier gibt ja der "Mittwoch" auf dem Kalender immer etwas Grund zur Hoffnung, aber da auf der PS5-Produktseite kein Prime-Hinweis aufgetaucht ist, lag unser Optimismus auf "Glas halb leer"-Niveau. Bei Amazon rechnen wir eher mit einem PS5-Verkauf am 27. April, aber dazu gleich mehr. Auch Media Markt/Saturn sind nach dem Filial-Verkauf heiße Kandidaten für einen anschließenden Online-Drop. Übrigens: Während bei Amazon ein Playstation 5-Drop für gewöhnlich zwischen 9 und 11 Uhr stattfindet, ist das bei den kleineren Händlern anders. Bei Alternate oder Otto konnte man schon des öfteren am (späteren) Nachmittag eine PS5 kaufen. Es lohnt sich also, die Verfügbarkeit zu prüfen. Wir berichten natürlich sofort, wenn wir vom nächsten PS5-Drop hören, haben aber natürlich auch irgendwann Feierabend.

Wo ist die PS5 jetzt lieferbar? Check availability

  • Amazon
  • Alternate
  • Conrad
  • Cyberport
  • Euronics
  • Media Markt
  • Saturn
  • Müller
  • Otto
  • Medimax
  • Kaufland
  • Sony Playstation Direct Store

PS5 kaufen: Filial-Verkauf bei Cyberport

Nach gleich mehreren PS5-Verkäufen gestern geht es heute positiv weiter. Wie der Branchendienst Gameswirtschaft unter Berufung auf eine Leser-Rückmeldung berichtet, soll die Cyberport-Filiale in der Hamburger Mönckebergstraße ein PS5-Bundle im Angebot haben: Playstation 5 Disc Edition, PS5-Kamera und Horizon Forbidden West für 619 Euro. Solltet ihr eine Cyberport-Filiale in Reichweite haben, dann ruft dort doch mal an oder begebt euch physisch dorthin. Nicht nur in Deutschland gibt es seit einiger Zeit eine ungewöhnliche Häufung an Playstation 5-Drops, auch in Großbritannien konnte man heute gleich bei drei Anbietern die PS5 kaufen: Bei GAME, bei Very sowie im britischen Playstation Direct Store. Es überrascht nicht, dass auf der Insel ebenfalls NICHT die nackige Sony-Konsole verkauft wird, sondern Bundles mit Spielen und Zweit-Controller angeboten werden um in Summe noch etwas mehr Gewinn einzustreichen. Aber bei Top-Games wie Gran Turismo 7 oder Horizon Forbidden West muss man ja nicht meckern. An dieser Stelle nochmal der Hinweis: Eine PS5 in Großbritannien zu kaufen ist für deutsche Interessenten nicht zu empfehlen. Zum einen werden ausländische Besteller meist explizit von einer Verkaufsaktion ausgeschlossen, zum anderen haben UK-Konsolen einen anderen Stromanschluss als deutsche Geräte. Und vielleicht/hoffentlich ist es ja bald gar nicht mehr nötig, in Sachen "PS5 kaufen" über den großen Teich zu schielen...

play5 Jubiläums-Ausgabe mit Gratis-Bonus-DVD. Quelle: play5

15 Jahre play: Große Jubiläums-Ausgabe mit Heftarchiv 2007-2022 auf Gratis-Bonus-DVD!

Da wir mit unserer "PS5 kaufen"-News erfahrungsgemäß nicht nur Stammleser von bei Amazon und play 5 erreichen, weißen wir an dieser Stelle gerne auf das 15-jährige Jubiläum unseres Printmagazins hin. Mit Ausgabe 05/2007 erschien erstmals die vollkommen neue play als Nachfolgemagazin der Play the Playstation. In der großen Jubiläums-Ausgabe der play 5 gibt es nicht nur ein Jubiläums-Special inkl. Gewinnspiel, sondern sogar eine Bonus-DVD. Auf dieser befindet sich das Heft-Archiv von Ende 2007 bis 2022. Mit diversen Sonderheften kommen da knapp 18.000 Heft-Seiten zusammen! Mehr Infos zur play 5-Jubiläums-Ausgabe lest ihr hier!

Bei der 3 für 2-Aktion kriegt man Gran Turismo 7 oder ein anderes Topgame "gratis" Quelle: Amazon

Only for a short time you get a PS5 game "gifted" at Amazon and Media Market

All last call: Who wants to dust the Gran Turismo 7, Elden Ring, Horizon Forbidden West or another PS5 top game "free", which must hurry. The 3 for 2 actions at Media Markt and Amazon ends shortly. Specifically: With Media Markt there is the free addition until April 20, 8 pm, at Amazon until April 21st. How exactly one comes to the "free game"? It's quite simple: you order 3 games, but only pay 2 - the cheapest you get free. If you want, for example, Gran Turismo 7 for Lau - it costs at Media Markt individually 72.99 euros and at Amazon 64.99 euros -, then the other two games must also cost at least 72.99 or 64.99 euros each. Of course you can also get any other PlayStation 5 game as part of the "FREE" action. Basically, if the price savings should be greatest, you should choose three games that cost about the same amount.

3 for 2 action at Media Markt

3 for 2 action at Amazon

PS5 buy: Online drop at Media Markt / Saturn?

If you can buy the PS5 in the online shop of Media Market and / or Saturn this week? Last week, when the branch sale was on the disgusted electronic chains, the rumor came on that in the Connection should also give an online sales. Now the branch sale has been attracted until this week, but since yesterday noon we have not been reported by any Media Market or Saturn branch, which could pre-order the coveted Sony console. So it can certainly be that there is also online to a PS5 pre-order action with delivery date 28 April - the 28. April we have justified as the big PS5 day. Even with Euronics, Otto, Alternate and Cyberport, we hold smaller PlayStation 5 actions in the coming days for not unlikely. It could then give the big drop bang on April 27 - a Wednesday - at Amazon. Das Sony to Media Market / Saturn now supplies consoles in the clearly five-digit area, but I can not go out, but we can not go out Imagine. Amazon also sells the usual 10,000 - 20,000 consoles, then it could come on April 28 for the largest PS5 delivery since the launch in November 2020!

PS5 games buy: The Last of Us: Part II, Ghost of Tsushima or Return with up to 47% off

Amazon is currently well with owners of PS4 and PlayStation 5. In addition to the just mentioned 3 for 2 action, which only runs until 21st April, you can buy topgames with a PlayStation game price campaign with up to 47% discount. Among other things, Ghost of Tsushima Directors Cut, Death Stranding Directors Cut, the Nioh Collection, Demons Souls and The Last of US Part 2.

Discount action for PS5 / PS4 games at Amazon (selection)

  • Ghost of Tsushima Directors Cut PlayStation 5 for 52.99 euros ~~ (79.99 €) ~~
  • Demons souls ps5 for 44.99 euros ~~ (79,99 €) ~~
  • Death Stranding Directors Cut PlayStation 5 for 34.99 Euro ~~ (49.99 €) ~~
  • NOOH COLLECTION PS5 for 44.99 Euro ~~ (79.99 €) ~~
  • Marvels Spider-Man Miles Morales PlayStation 5 for 34.99 euros ~~ (59.99 €) ~~
  • The Last of US Part 2 PS4 for 17,99 Euro ~~ (23 €) ~~
  • Days Gone PlayStation 4 for 14,99 Euro ~~ (20,05 €) ~~
  • All action games for PS5 and PS4 at Amazon in the overview

PS5 and PS4 games at Amazon at favorable action prices

Hearing tip: Play Podcast # 285: Top 5 Special with Katha, Chris and Sascha

Govee Immersion Kit makes TV picture much bigger - now with discount promotion!

With the Govee Immersion Kit, the TV image seems much bigger. Now available at Amazon for 66 instead of 78 euros. Source: Govee / Amazon

According to our statistics of the Renner under the PC Games readers, the Govee Immersion Kit, which makes the picture of your TV much bigger. And much cheaper thanks to a new discount promotion. Simply click on the discount voucher on the product page and you pay only 70.19 euros for the Goveee Immersion Kit. This is how the "Technik miracle" works so easily: The LED Lightstrip is on the back of the TV, placed the Colorsense Camera and already the TV image information is projected in real time via the Lightstrip to the wall. Quasi "Ambilight for Retrofitting", which ensures a more intensive game or film experience and a subjectively perceived enlargement of the TV image. More information about the Govee Immersion Kit read here.

Goveee Immersion Kit for larger image impression at Amazon

PS5 "FREE": Buy Sony Bravia-OLED TV and get PlayStation 5 for free

Sony opens a new way to get "free" to a PS5. For this you must pre-order "only" a new Sony Bravia OLED TV of the X95K, A80K or A95K series, until May 10, 2022. Sony 2022 models appear in May / June and For example, can be pre-ordered at Amazon and Media Market. Little surprisingly Sony lays the PlayStation 5 no allerial televisions - the prices for Sony's premium TVs go for 2,299 euros for the A80K with 55 inches.

Sony Bravia OLED TV incl. PS5 pre-order

  • Sony Bravia A80K (55-77 inch) incl. PS5 pre-order at Amazon
  • Sony Bravia A95K (55-65 inches) incl. PS5 pre-order at Amazon
  • Sony Bravia X95K (65-85 inch) incl. PS5 pre-order at Amazon

Here are the PS5!

  • _ PS5 with green electricity / gas contract: _ Playstation 5 Disc Edition + Horizon Forbidden West + 12 months PlayStation Plus at E How easy. One-time additional payment: 299 Euro ~~ (349 €) ~~
  • _ PS5 NEW or used: _ in the Amazon Marketplace or on eBay (Attention: New product partly clearly over EIA!)

Best selling PS5 new releases at Amazon

  1. Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga
  2. Gran Turismo 7
  3. Elden Ring - Launch Edition
  4. Horizon Forbidden West
  5. DualSense Wireless Controller Galactic Purple
  6. PS5 consoles Cover - Midnight Black
  7. DUALSENSE Wireless Controller Nova Pink
  8. Grand Theft Auto V
  9. ELEX II
  10. Hori Racing Wheel

Top 100 ps5 charts at a glance

Best selling PS5 new releases at Amazon

PS5 sale at Amazon - what should you note?

  • Prime member: "Prime members have prior access to the PlayStation 5" stands since last night on the PS5 product page at Amazon. In the plain text: Without Prime Membership (30 Days Prime Free Testing Free Testing) Go Your Opportunities to buy a PS5 today at Amazon, against zero.
  • Punctually on the calculator: It does not hurt to position themselves from 08:30 in front of the computer and have the PS5 product page in Amazon.
  • Cool head preserve: For a PS5 sales, everything can happen. Demand will be huge and even with an online giant like Amazon can / will come to error messages. Do not frustrate from it, just try it on. If you do not make it to put the PS5 in the shopping cart, then try to put the PS5 Add to wishlist and to buggle over this detour into the shopping cart.
  • LUCK: If you have anything or someone who brings you luck, then use it / she / it...

PS5 buy at Amazon

  • Sony Playstation 5 Disc Edition at Amazon
  • PS5 overview page at Amazon
  • PS5 controller at Amazon
  • PS5 games at Amazon
  • PS5-compatible SSDs at Amazon

Click and Save: Amazon Easter Offers: Gaming Deals in Big Sale - Games for PS5, Switch and PC Cheap

PS5 games novelties at Amazon

  • Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga
  • 3. May: Sifu Vengeance Edition
  • 13. May: Evil Dead: The Game
  • 26. May: The Ascent: Cyber Edition
  • 10. June: The Quarry

What do you consider when buying a French PS5?

It has already spoken around: In the United Kingdom, where most PS5 drops take place in the European comparison, you have another power plug. A British PS5 could be operated in this country only with high quality (!) Power Adapter. But what about our French neighbors? Bien! All right then. In France, one uses the same "Eurostecker" as in Germany. A PlayStation 5 ordered in France (Buy Now 875,00 €) can be easily operated in Germany.

Apple TV + on PS5: six months free trial subscription

PS5 owners have the opportunity until July 22nd to complete a six-month free trial for the streaming service Apple TV +. After the probation phase, the subscription will be extended by 4.99 euros / month to termination. Anyone who has just used a free trial or has already completed a paid subscription, which can take this offer. For PS4 owners there is a similar offer with three monthly free trial phase. For Apple TV +, there are only exclusive content that does not exist anywhere else.

Solves the offer:

  1. Download Apple TV app (via the search function or in the media home area under "All apps"), open and follow the instructions on the screen
  2. Use the Apple ID to log in or create an Apple ID if you have none yet

How do I rose my chances on a PS5?

Many possibilities do not have to increase his chances, regularly buy a PS5 - but there are a few options. At Amazon, a Prime membership helps enormously, because in principle you have a chance on online giant only as a prime customer a chance on a Playstation 5. Amazon Prime can be tested for free for 30 days. Students and trainees receive the first 6 months free and then get 50% discount . If the PS5 can be used at Amazon, then mostly between 9:30 and 11:30. Another way to increase its opportunities to a PS5 is the registry at PlayStation Direct. If you are selected, you will receive an e-mail with instructions where and how to order the PS5 preferably. We'll keep our fingers crossed!

How works the PS5 purchase at Amazon

  • If not yet happened, Amazon Prime customer will become. Without Prime membership, you currently have no chance.
  • From 09:30, keep an eye on the PS5 offerings at Amazon. The sale takes place mostly between 09:30 and 11:30 am
  • The PS5 can be purchased, then take the purchase as soon as possible
  • For error messages (due to a server overload at Amazon), do not close the window, but click on the "Back" button and try again

Gran Turismo 7 in the PCG test

Even if IMPC Games Test of Gran Turismo 7 has not quite enough for the highest rating, Gran Turismo 7 has become a very good and, above all, a very nice game. The new PlayStation Racer becomes the 25-year-old Birthday of the Gran Turismo series of Polyphony Digital Chef and SCE Vice President Kazunori Yamauchi fully meets justice. There is also a noble Gran Turismo 7 25th Anniversary Edition for this anniversary at Amazon, Media Markt & Co. next to the GT7 Standard Edition. In addition to the game disc, this offers a steelbook case, the soundtrack, 1,100,000 credits in the game and a lot more. Also a download code for the PS4 version of Gran Turismo 7 is included.

PS5: How to Fix PlayStation Store Purchasing Problem Tutorial! (Easy Method) 2021 Also worth reading: Gran Turismo 7: This GT7 steering wheels for PS4 & PS5 are now cheaper

Gran Turismo 7 incl. Buy pre-order bonus

  • Gran Turismo 7 PS4 at Amazon
  • Gran Turismo 7 PS5 at Amazon
  • Gran Turismo 7 PS5 25th Anniversary Edition at Amazon
  • GT7 + PS5 DualSense Controller Cosmic Red at Amazon

  • Gran Turismo 7 PS4 at Saturn

  • Gran Turismo 7 PS5 at Saturn
  • Gran Turismo 7 PS5 25th Anniversary Edition at Saturn

Gran Turismo 7 in the PCG test video

10/10 with us test: Elden Ring has become a masterpiece

Elden Ring appears on 25 February for PC, PS5, PS4 and Xbox One / Xbox Series X / S. Source: Bandai Namco

Elden Ring appeared and the action role-playing game of From Software and George R. R. Martin has cleared the highest rating in the large Elden Ring-Test including Test video. Internally, the review also exceeded the review, with Metacrit, Elden Ring is on average at 97/100. Currently, the attractive Launch Edition at Amazon is sold out, but with Media Markt and Saturn it is still available (while stocks last). The Elden Ring Launch Edition includes next to the game on disc (on PC only download code in the box) numerous goodies like posters, type cards, stickers, patches, but also digital additional content.

  • Elden Ring Launch Edition at Amazon
  • Elden Ring Launch Edition at Media Markt
  • Elden Ring Launch Edition at Saturn

Horizon Forbidden West in PCG test: Great, but not perfect

The Action RPG of Guerrilla Games, successor to Horizon Zero Dawn, has convinced our testers fully, but therefore comes with some quirks. On the have side, e.g. a beautiful graphic, an exciting main quest as well as improved nacusts. Weaknesses Horizon Forbidden West on PS4 and PS5, on the other hand, has in the control, camera guide and the Ki. The complete PCG test of Horizon Forbidden West is available here.

Horizon Forbidden West (PS4 / PS5) at Amazon

  • Horizon Forbidden West PS4 - Standard Edition (free upgrade to PS5)
  • Horizon Forbidden West PS5 - Standard Edition
  • Horizon Forbidden West PS4 / PS5 - Special Edition (excluding Amazon)
  • Horizon Forbidden West PS4 / PS5 - Collector's Edition

Buy Horizon Forbidden West PS4 / PS5 at Amazon

MORE TOP Deals can be found in our daily updated Daily Deals: graphics card, mainboard, gaming monitor, gaming mouse, gaming chair, TV, games highlights and many other products for PC and console players from Amazon, Media Market and Co. too often reduced prices.

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