FIFA 22 update comes with some very necessary game changes

A new fifa22 The update is available, but so far only on PC, and it is not known when you will reach the console. What we do know is all that does the update (Title No. 8 update) as EA provided patch notes. As expected from an update so deep in the launch of fifa22 there is not much in the update, but it comes with some very necessary game changes for both dribble and defending.

While we have the patch notes for the update, we do not know what the file size of the update is, which means we can not offer any information about how long it has been downloading, apart from taking the patch into account. The notes are on the smallest side, which usually indicates a file size on the smallest side.

Next, you can check the notes of the patch by yourself, in its entirety:

As is played He did the next change:

  • The Drag Skill Movement to Drag can be interrupted before in the animation after doing it with the correct analog input.

*IMPORTANT* FIFA 22 Settings you NEED TO CHANGE - Dribbling, Heading, Passing

He addressed the following problems:

  • When the attacked player made a center, the automatic change did not occur as expected for the defender team if his controlled player was content.
  • When a goal was marked at the last moment of a game, in some exceptional cases it was not counted for the result.
  • When playing in cooperative mode, the animation of the initial start pass took a little more than expected.
  • In some rare situations, the goalkeeper ran to the carrier of the ball without being asked.

Football Volta

  • Volta Arcade could be displayed as not available even when it was available. In some cases, you could have used a red ball on a red surface, which would hinder the ball.

Professional Clubs

He addressed the following problem:

  • Club and Virtual Pro information could disappear from the user interface after sending Drop-in invitations. This was just a visual problem.

General, Audio and Visual

He made the following changes:

  • Some kits and stadiums were updated.
  • A total of 51 new stellar heads were added and updated.

fifa22 is available through Google Stadia, Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X.
