Konami premieres at the NFT selling his works of Castlevania for more than $ 160,000

INAMI has already carried out your first NFT auction, and has done it over high. A couple of weeks ago we knew that the Japanese company would enter the market of cryptogram about the 35th anniversary of Castlemaine . The collection of works was baptized as INAMI Memorial NFT and has been composed of 14 pieces of the Castlemaine series.

The auction has been carried out today, and as NGC has shared, it has been set with sales of $162,000 . The entire collection has been sold through the Opens platform, with an average value of about $12,000 per piece. The work that has managed to reach the highest price has been one based on Map of the original Castlemaine , having reached $26,539 .

The Dracula Castle map has been sold for $26,539 among the rest of the sales, stands out a three-minute video of several Games of Castlemaine that has reached $17,500 and a work Based on Circle of the Moon, which has exceeded $17,000 . The platform that has assembled the works will be a commission of 2.5% for each transaction, leaving profits for INAMI in its debut of more than $157,000.


CASLTEVANIA MEMORIAL NFT is only the first of the projects that INAMI has planned with the NFT and after the success achieved, we should not surprise us if it returns with new auctions. As we have been seeing, INAMI is not the only with interests in this market, we knew the new trademarks of SEGA for its NFT line. As for Games, INAMI added to his anniversary the great compilation of titles of the Castlemaine series for Game Boy Advance with Castlemaine Advance Collection.


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